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8.3 Downloading the Oracle VM Guest Additions Packages

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The Oracle VM Guest Additions packages are available for download from the addons channel for the guest operating system on the Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) or the Oracle Linux Yum Server. For example, if the guest operating system is Oracle Linux 7, you download the packages from the Oracle Linux 7 Add ons (x86_64) channel.

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To download the Oracle VM Guest Additions packages from ULN, subscribe your system to the addons channel.

Oracle Virtual Box - Server 2012 installation. The Virtual Machine. Virtual PC and Oracle VM Virtual Box. I have a powerful system with a 6 core CPU and 16G of RAM and I can easily have a Virtual Machine running without my OS being crippled. Download Windows Server 2012. By the way this does not require any licenses and the product can.

Alternatively, you can create a yum server that acts as a local mirror of the ULN addons channel.

After downloading the Oracle VM software, you'll have two ZIP files, both. VM server, and then choose ISO Files on the Resources tab in Oracle VM Manager. If the virtual machine is derived from an Oracle VM template that does not have the Oracle VM Guest Additions installed, you can. Download and install the Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) and other guest addition utilities to the guest virtual machine. Oracle VM VirtualBox for VDI 3.2 - Downloads. Select the file according to your operating system from the list below to get the latest version of Oracle VM VirtualBox for your computer. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SLES10) VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.10_66523_sles10.1-1.i586.rpm. Creating a VMware Workstation For Oracle Database Installation. Posted January 6, 2016, 4:44 PM. Once the download is complete, you can begin the creation of your virtual machine. It does not download as a zip file, so it is not necessary to extract any files. Download the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server DVD.iso file. You can do this from the VM's desktop by clicking the down arrow icon in the upper right corner,.

See the following Oracle Linux documentation for more information:

  • Oracle Linux Release 7:

  • Oracle Linux Release 6:

By default, the yum repository configuration file on Oracle Linux contains a section that defines the addons channel on the Oracle Linux Yum Server.

To download the Oracle VM Guest Additions packages from the public yum repository, you need to enable the addons channel in the yum configuration file.

See the following Oracle Linux documentation for instructions:

  • Oracle Linux Release 7:

  • Oracle Linux Release 6:

For Microsoft Windows guests, the Oracle VM Guest Additions are included in the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers. Refer to the Oracle VM Paravirtual Drivers for Microsoft Windows documentation library. Follow the download instructions for the selected release of the paravirtual drivers.

For Oracle Solaris, both on SPARC and x86, the Oracle VM Guest Additions can be downloaded from a Solaris IPS repository:, or with your support contract access.

Copyright © 2014, 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices

77,681 downloadsUpdated: May 15, 2019Other/Proprietary License

A family of powerful x86 virtualization products developed and maintained by Oracle

What's new in Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.0.8:

  • Core: fix saved state resume failures (bugs #18265 and #18331)
  • User interface: show full file location in New Medium window.
  • User interface: fix mouse click pass-through problems in multi-screen virtual machines (6.0.6 regression, bug #18567)
  • Graphics: fixed a crash when powering off a VM without graphics controller (bug #18570)
Read the full changelog

Oracle VMVirtualBox (formerly Sun VirtualBox, innotek VirtualBox and Sun xVM VirtualBox) is a free and cross-platform virtualization application that provides a family of powerful x86 virtualization tools designed for desktop, server and embedded use. VirtualBox can be used on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows platforms to run virtual machines of any of the aforementioned operating systems, as well as any BSD distribution, IMB OS/2 flavors, DOS, Netware, L4, QNX, and JRockitVE.

It's portable

Oracle VirtualBox is portable, requires no hardware virtualization, includes guest additions and great hardware support. It also features USB device support, full ACPI support, multiscreen resolutions, and built-in iSCSI support. Support for PXE network boot, multi-generation branched snapshots, remote machine display, extensible RDP authentication, and USB over RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is also integrated in Oracle VirtualBox.

Supports 32-bit and 64-bit architectures

At the moment, the program is capable of running only AMD64/Intel64 and x86 architectures. By default, when creating a new virtual machine, you will be able to select the operating system that you plan on virtualizing. Ever since Oracle acquired the Sun Microsystems company, VirtualBox is actively developed by a team of professional engineers who implement new features and functionality with every release.

Virtual machines can be highly customized

Once a new virtual machine has been created in VirtualBox, users will be able to change its type, version, boot order, chipset, pointing device, base memory (RAM), processors, video memory, monitor count, audio driver and controller, network adapters, serial and USB ports, and storage devices. When talking about storage devices supported by VirtualBox, we can mention that you will be able use a virtual CD/DVD image file (also known as ISO image) or use the host CD/DVD drive for running the virtualized OS.

The most sophisticated and powerful virtualization software

Support for USB devices is also a controversial feature of this application, because you will need to do some tweaking before it will work as intended. But all in all, this is one of the most sophisticated and powerful virtualization software for Linux operating systems.

Filed under

  • You will need to install some additional libraries on your Linux system in order to run VirtualBox - in particular, you will need libxalan-c, libxerces-c and version 5 of libstdc . How to install these will depend on the Linux distribution you are using.
Oracle VM VirtualBox was reviewed by Marius Nestor
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